Finding You In Your Future

When your loved one dies, the life you knew feels over. There is a line in the sand, and the story of your life is forever marked before and after. It’s hard enough to take the next breath, let alone think about the future.

I get it.

Here’s the thing. Even though you feel like your future is over, it isn’t. If you have a pulse, you have a future. If you have a future, there is a future version of you waiting for you and cheering you on.

Your future self is depending on you, the broken version you may be today, to make the decisions that will get you next month or next year. If it feels like too much, remember one thing.

Your new future begins the moment you begin thinking new thoughts.

Teresa Beshwate, The Sudden Widow Coach

I believe so strongly in connecting and finding your future self that I teach entire classes on the subject. Here’s what the research is showing:

Take a few minutes each day and visualize you in your future. Are you happy or sad? Do you live in a different house? Is your house organized? Are you active and in good health?

Once you connect with that version of you, allow him/her to help you make those decisions today.

Blessings my friends,


Julie Martella Avatar

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2 responses to “Finding You In Your Future”

  1. Thank you for these posts!! They are soooooo helpful.


    1. Thank you Shirley. I appreciate your feedback. I write it for my soul, and then send it to the universe of the internet.


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